The Kanga Minimum
Kanga Minimum is the lowest acceptable standard of performance, behavior and achievement for a Kangarian. The Kanga minimum is set at 10 points above the generally acceptable performance – what is normally known as the ‘ pass mark’. This is because to a Kangarian nothing is difficult that he cannot make the grade. Do you remember these words,” give him French, a Kanga boy would make the grade”. A Kangarian who attains 59 per cent is considered to have failed. The Kanga minimum is meant to remind a Kangarian to aim and go beyond the ordinary and seek to be different. In pursuit of the Kanga minimum, there are two other minimums – the scholar’s minimum set at 80 per cent and mediocre minimum at 40 per cent ” . The Kanga minimum in all aspects of performance is therefore the basic standard measure of acceptable performance, delivery and achievement. Kangarians do not celebrate a standard of attainment below the 60 per cent mark. In a scatter graph spread, the Kangarian effort is only acceptable if it falls above the 60 per cent quantum . If for instance the present laptop effort at 44per cent is a terrible failure!